15th August 7:30pm on line

TRANS PRIDE SCOTLAND AGM Thursday 15th August at 7:30pm online.Make sure your voice is heard. Help shape the direction of Trans Pride Scotland. Help organise! Sign up now the Annual General Meeting on Zoom - Thursday 15th August at 7:30pm.Sign up now to be there. See Button above.

Subscribe for email updates and follow us on social media to be kept in the picture.

Trans Pride flags flying high

🎟️ Ticket Office closed until next Trans Pride Scotland

Participating in our pride will always be free, however we do ask that you please register by getting a ticket. This is essential to help us better gauge numbers, ensure attendee safety, and keep in touch with you after the event.
This goes for 2025 too of course.

🦺 A huge thanks to all our Volunteers

Organising and running pride takes months of planning and preparation, and we could not manage without all our volunteers, both on the organising committee and on the day and days running up to our events themselves.🤝If you think you could spare a few hours on the day to give back to your community look out for opportunities as we publish them or get in touch with us at [email protected]. 📝Trans Pride Scotland is entirely peer-led and volunteer-driven, a collective effort in which everyone has something to contribute. Many hands make light work!

  • 🪧 March Stewards: ensure safety, hold signs, direct crowds, keep eyes peeled.

  • 🎟️ Venue Steward: check tickets, general help to run things smoothly.

  • 📸 Social Media: either to assist, or join the committee and fully manage it

  • Anything else: help out however you can with your own idea

Applications are currently closed but get in touch if you think you can help from now on.

Our Safe Space Commitment

A safe space is a space in which everyone feels welcome, respected and comfortable with being who they are. This includes people who facilitate and participate in stalls and workshops, access activities, volunteer or just attend.

How can we all create a safe space?

  • We listen to each other to understand, not just to respond.

  • We allow everyone a chance to speak.

  • We respect each other’s boundaries and only share what we feel comfortable sharing.

  • If we are unsure of someone’s boundaries, we always ask.

  • We think about our words and assumptions about others.

  • We speak respectfully about and stand up for others whether they are present or not.

How do I respond if I feel the safe space commitment has been broken?

  • If you feel able to, respectfully tell the person or people involved that you feel that they are breaking safe space, explaining to the person why.

  • Tell a TPS Steward, volunteer or committee member about how you are feeling either at the time or when you feel able via email: [email protected]

What if I find it difficult to uphold the safe space commitment?

  • Listen respectfully if someone tells you that you are making them uncomfortable and try to change your behaviour.

  • Ask TPS Steward, volunteer or committee member if you don’t understand expectations or why they are there.

  • If you feel unable to speak about your difficulties in the moment, then you can move to a different space.

  • Ask TPS Steward, volunteer or committee member for support.

Trans Pride Scotland Constitution

Who we are:

  1. Definitions

  • Trans Pride Scotland (TPS) is a not-for-profit community organisation with an elected committee.

  • Throughout this constitution, by trans, we mean all people of transgender experience, i.e. those who do not consisently or solely identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. This includes trans men, trans women, and non-binary people.

  • Each year we organise Trans Pride, an event for trans people, by trans people, that will always be free and inclusive for the community - and free of corporate advertising.

  1. The main aim of TPS is to create and promote events that:

  • Increase positive trans visibility.

  • Challenge transphobia using non-violent methods.

  • Celebrate trans history, identities and diversity in Scotland and elsewhere.

  • Are free from corporate or party political sponsorship.

  1. To fulfil our aim, we will:

  • Never accept corporate sponsorship.

  • Be free of political or religious affiliation.

  • Be democratic and inclusive in decision making.

  • Recognise and respect the diversity of our community, including BAME trans people, disabled trans people, undocumented and otherwise marginalised groups in our community.

  • Strive to provide equal, inclusive and safe access for all members.

Our Committee

  1. The committee will:

  • be responsible for the day-to-day operations and strategy of TPS.

  • engage in active and open communication with the community as often as possible including holding informal discussion meetings and involving the community in key decisions made between AGMs.

  • work collaboratively to fulfil the aim of TPS.

  1. The committee roles include:

  • Co-conveners (x2)

  1. The most senior representatives and spokespeople of TPS.

  2. Guides discussion at meetings and organises agendas.

  3. Helps coordinate the committee to fulfil our aim.

  • Treasurer

  1. Responsible for TPS finances, including banking, payments, fundraising and donations.

  • Communications & Social Media

  1. Responsible for communicating about TPS events and news, monitors inbox and organises the mailing list.

  2. Responsible for updating twitter, facebook and instagram regularly, especially on the run-up to events

  • Venue Organiser

  1. Responsible for booking the venue, liaising with stall-holders and ensuring that any performers or workshops have space and equipment.

  2. Responsible for accessibility enquiries relating to the venue.

  • March Organiser

  1. Responsible for mapping the march route (including accessibility), submitting the march route to the local council with proper license, liaising with police as necessary and organising the stewards for the march.

  • Secretary

  1. Responsible for taking minutes, setting up TPS committee meetings, and organising the Annual General Meeting/discussion groups as required.

  • Ordinary Members (x3)

  1. May take on any required role within the committee, particularly surrounding the organising of Trans Pride events.

  1. Elections

  • Elections will be held for each committee position at least every two years with members holding positions for no longer than 6 years.

  • A handover meeting will be held within a reasonable timeframe of the new committee being appointed.

  • The committee can temporarily fill a committee position if needed until an EGM or AGM can be held.

  • All elections will be held using the single or alternative transferable vote system as appropriate using a secret ballot. All candidates will have the right to review ballot papers and count the votes, alongside an impartial Returning Officer who shall oversee the election process.

  • Each candidate may provide a statement for their desired position.

  • All ballot papers shall include the option of “Re-Open Nominations”.

  1. Dissolution

  • TPS may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote at a general meeting

  • If TPS is dissolved, money will be used to pay off the debt and any leftover will be proportionally given to a group (or groups) with similar aims to TPS as decided by vote at EGM.

Meetings & Membership

  1. TPS must hold Annual General Meetings (AGMs).

  • AGMs will take place within 15 months of previous AGM.

  • The date and venue will be circulated at least 6 weeks in advance.

  • AGMs can pass policies and changes to the constitution or committee roles with a simple majority vote.

  • AGMs will hold elections for committee member positions at least every 2 years.

  • AGMs where an election is not taking place for any given role may vote to remove a committee member from their position by a two-thirds majority vote.

  1. TPS may hold Emergency General Meetings (EGMs).

  • These have the same power as an AGM.

  • An EGM may be called by a majority vote of the existing committee or by a letter or petition signed by no fewer than 15 confirmed members of TPS.

  1. Membership:

  • Every trans person on the TPS mailing list or that attends discussion meetings and/or the AGM, is a member of TPS.

  • Membership to TPS is free.

  • Members must adhere to the TPS safe space policy

  • Breaking the rules of the safe space policy can lead to the end of membership or suspension (decided by the committee).


List of Amendments:

  • Adopted: 01/01/2017

  • Amended at AGM: 13/09/2018

  • Amended: 11/01/2019

  • Amended at AGM: 24/11/2019

  • Amended at AGM: 16/05/2021

About Us

Trans Pride Scotland is a free, accessible, family friendly, and non-commercial pride for all trans and non-binary people in Scotland.We're a peer-led, democratic, grassroots movement organised by trans people for trans people. Our goal is to produce inclusive events free from corporate advertising, sponsorship, and party political or religious affiliation.Every year, we bring all trans people and trans allies together to celebrate our diverse identities and history, demand equal rights; and to show our strength, solidarity, and mutual support to the world in an increasingly hostile climate.
Trans Pride Scotland 2024


Image credit: Jules Lacave-Fontourcy @jlfphotography

Image credit: Jules Lacave-Fontourcy @jlfphotography


OUR RECENT MARCH and event drew over 600 people on the day and was in the most a joyous celebration of trans rights and euphoria. Local trans folk voiced their appreciation of something happening on their doorstep so hopefully it gave the local trans community a boost.
A panel event was held in the afternoon at the event at Ayrshire College the panel consisted of Florence Oulds - Policy Officer Scottish Trans, Nathan Graham - STUC LGBT Workers Committee, Lisamarie Cohen - Convenor Trans Pride Scotland, and Emma Roddick MSP Minister for Equalities Migration and Refugees


IMAGES TAKEN by our two official photographers -JULES
(contact through their website or Instagram @jlfphotography)
and -
(they/them) Instagram @queerlymano.
Trans Pride Scotland have shared and will share selected images on our social media. Please note that ALL images taken are subject to copyright and should not be downloaded or used in any way without prior permission from the photographers through Trans Pride Scotland or the photographers themselves. When used they must be creditited to“Jules Lacave-Fontourcy /Jlfphotography”
“Mano(they/them) @queerlymano


Museum of Transology

TRANS PRIDE SCOTLAND collaborating with the MUSEUM of TRANSOLOGY helped in Glasgow and Dundee in the collection and documentation of objects brought along on Saturday 20th April for inclusion in the museum’s collection. Edinburgh Trans Pride collaborated similarly in Edinburgh. This is an important initiative which aims to record aspects of trans culture for future generations and is supported in Scotland by the National Library of Scotland. More info can be found here.


THE TRANS PRIDE SCOTLAND COMMITTEE has appointed two interim co convenors to serve until the AGM later this year. The committee is responsible for organising and running the annual march and event and other associated events, and is made up of volunteers. If you would like to be involved you might wish to be considered for election at the forthcoming AGM.


We would love to hear your thoughts on the march and event in Kilmarnock on the 30th March. Could you complete this feedback form.for us, it will give us a good idea of where we got things right and where we need to improve.

Museum of Transology